How I won a $5ml business by paying attention.

In the summer of 2020, I met a couple in their 50s seeking wealth management service.

During our Zoom meeting with three male colleagues,
All attention was on the husband, the CEO and founder.

As the conversation progressed, the husband frequently turned to his wife for her opinion.

Near the end of the meeting, none of my colleagues had addressed the wife directly.

So, I stepped in and asked,
"Thanks, Mr. Jones, for sharing your thoughts,
Now Mrs. Jones - what questions do 𝘺𝘰𝘢 have for us?"

Both appreciated this greatly.
The wife smiled and opened up.

We won their business.

My biggest take away:
Happy wife, happy life. 😁


my wrinkles tell a story


3 Things That Helped Me Out of the "Trough of Sorrow"